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DSC Academic Advising: Non-Course Requirements

College Prep Curriculum Requirements

Understanding CPCs

Prior to attending Dalton State College, traditional age degree seeking students are expected to satisfy the College Prepatory Curriculum requirements in high school.  These requirements include 4 units of English, 4 units of Science, 4 units of Mathmatics, 3 units of Social Science, and 2 units of Foreign Language. Students, who were home-schooled, exited high school with a GED, or were on a technical path, may have deficiencies in one of more of these areas.

Note: If the student completed high school through a home-school program and believes that his/her curriculum was as rigorous as a college prepratory program, they can meet with someone in Enrollment Services to discuss the possiblity of exempting these requirements.  Otherwise, the student will need to take an additional course or courses at Dalton State that will not count toward their degree program.


Satisfying CPCs

English - The student will satisfy this requirement through the successful completion of ENGL 1101.

Mathematics - The student will satisfy this requirement through the successful completion of an Area A Math.

Natural Sciences - The student will satisfy this requirement through the successful completion of an Area D lab science with a score a C or better.

Social Sciences - The student will satisfy this requirement through the successful completion of an Area E Social Science course.

Foreign Language - The student will need to successfully complete FREN 1001 or SPAN 1001, or SPAN 1003 or CMPS 1301 with a score of C or better to meet this requirement.

US & Georgia History Requirement

United States/Georgia History - These requirements will be met when the student successfully completes HIST 2111 or HIST 2112 at DSC.  If a student transfers credit for one of these courses from an exam or another institution, they will satisfy the United States History requirement.  However, they may be required to take the Georgia History exam to satisfy the state requirement. 

Please refer to the student's DegreeWorks worksheet to determine if the requirement has been met. If the Georgia History requirement has not been met, the student may choose to take the other history class (HIST 2111 or HIST 2112) at DSC as an elective or to take the Georgia History Examination.  To schedule the Georgia History Exam and to obtain a study guide, the student should contact the Testing Center.

US & Georgia Constitution Requirement

United States/Georgia Constitution - This requirement will be met when the student successfully completes POLS 1101 at DSC.  If a student transfers credit for this courses from an exam or another institution, they will receive credit for the United States Constitution requirement.  However, they may be required to take the Georgia Constitution exam to satisfy the state requirement. 

Please refer to the student's DegreeWorks worksheet to determine if the state requirement has been met. If the state requirement has not been met, the student needs to schedule the Georgia Legislative Examination offered in the DSC Testing Center.  For more information regarding the exam and study materials, please contact the DSC Testing Center at 706-272-2606 or stop by the Center in the Sequoya Hall 201.