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DSC Academic Advising: Worksheet Tab

Worksheet in Student View

This version of the worksheet is broken down in specific sections.

Demographic Information - contains the student's demographic information like Name, Student Id, Classification, Advisor, Institutional GPA, School, College, Major/Minor, and the catalog year.

Overview of Program Requirement's - lists groups of requirements for completion of the program. As the group is satisfied, a Complete appears in the box to the left. If the group will be completed with courses in the student's plan, the box will have a Complete except for in-progress classes.

Non-Course Requirements - this section includes legislative, developmental studies, and college prep curriculum requirements.  The drop down menu under the DegreeWorks tab above demonstrates how the non-course requirements can be satisfied. As the individual requirement is satisfied, a Complete appears in the box to the left. If the requirement will be completed with courses in the student's plan, the box will have a Complete except for in-progress classes.

For the Non-Course section, please refer to the drop down menu under the DegreeWorks tab to discover how to satisfy these requirements. 

Program Course Requirements - this section is broken down exactly as listed on the program sheet

  • AA, AS, ASN Degrees - Areas A-F and Physical Education
  • Certificates and AAS Degrees - General Education and Major Field Courses
  • BA, BS, BSW - Areas A-F and Physical Education

Within this section, the student can see where courses are still needed to graduate.  If the course requirement is satisfied, a Complete appears in the box to the left of the item. If the requirement will be completed with courses in the student's plan, the box will have a Complete except for in-progress classes.  If the student needs to select a course or courses to satisfy the requirement, a list of options is provided to the right. 

In the course requirement sections, the student can click on the course to view the catalog description, prerequisites, and sections listed in the Class Schedule.

When using DegreeWorks to view the class schedule, students should be aware that sections beginning with 5 or 8 are not held on the main campus. Classes with course sections begining with a 5 are typically taught at the Gilmer Center Campus.  Similarly, classes with course sections beginning with an 8 indicate Study Abroad classes, which will meet outside of the US. 

In addition, the following symbols in the section reflect a special class type:

  • H  means a hybrid course that has a partial on-line component
  • O  means that the course is taught by DSC instructors completely on-line
  • eCore means that the course is taught by a University System of Georgia instructor completely on-line
  • C  means that the course has significant use of a computer

Fallthrough - this section contains courses with passing grades that do not apply to the student's current program of study. Many of these courses are transfer credits from other institutions. These courses should be examined closely to determine if the courses could satisfy program requirements through course substitutions.

Insufficient - this section contains courses with grades that will not satisfy the requirement for the program.  It includes grades of D, F, W, and WF.

In-Progress - this section contains courses that the student is currently registered (current and future terms).  Note: This section will include courses that the student dropped until the end of the term.  If the credit hours list 0 beside a course, the course has been dropped from the student's schedule.

Not Counted - this section includes learning support courses

Notes - this section will show a summary of advisor notes from previous appointments, emails, and/or phone calls. Note: Students can see these notes, so advisors should be cautious of entering information that would be inappropriate for student viewing.

Worksheet in Registration Checklist View

The Registration Checklist Worksheet only lists the requirements not met.  For the Non-Course section, please refer to the drop down menu under the DegreeWorks tab in this guide to discover how to satisfy these requirements. For the course sections, look to the left side of the requirement for a list of options.

In the course sections, the student can click on the course to view the catalog description, pre-requisites, and sections listed in the Class Schedule.

Within the Class Schedule component, students should be aware that sections beginning with 5 are taught at the Gilmer Center Campus.  In addition, the following symbols in the section reflect a special class type:

  • H  means a hybrid course that has a parital online component
  • O  means that the course is taught by DSC instructors completely on-line
  • eCore means that the course is taught by a Univesity System of Georgia instructor completely on-line
  • C  means that the course has significant computer usage

What If Analysis

This section allows students to explore other majors offered at Dalton State College.  Once the student enters the new major and clicks on process new, the student's worksheet will temporarilty reflect the courses required and satisfied for the new major.

Note: If the student had courses forced into areas by the Registrar's Office or through Course Substitutions, these courses may not appear in the same places on the What-If Analysis.