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DSC Academic Advising: Financial Aid

Financial Aid

Since Financial Aid is complex and constantly changing, advisors should always refer students to Enrollment Services (Wescott 107) for questions or concerns.  


Note: Students do not have to be full-time to receive Financial Aid.  However, funding is based upon the number of credit hours enrolled. See the file above for more information.

HOPE Scholarship Requirements

HOPE Scholarship Check Points - At the end of every semester enrolled.  Students must maintain a cumulative gpa based upon the type of HOPE awarded. HOPE GPA can be viewed by a student through their Roadrunner Portal Financial Aid menu.


HOPE GPA Requirements:

Zell Miller Hope Scholarship for Degree Programs - 3.3

Hope Scholarship for Degree Programs - 3.0

HOPE Grant for Certificate Programs - 2.0


Credit Hour Limits:

HOPE Scholarship (degrees) Credit Hour Limit - 127 attempted hours

HOPE Grant (certificates) Credit Hour Limit - 63 paid attempted hours

Satisfactory Academic Progress

Federal Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) policy is set by the federal government.  Most state financial aid requires that students be eligible for federal aid, so SAP may also apply to state funding.  There are the three main requirements for SAP:

  • GPA: 2.0 Cummalative GPA (entire academic record)
  • Course Completion Rate: 67% of classes successfully completed per term
  • Maxiumum Time Frame: maximum number of attempted hours based upon program level
    • Bachelor's Degree - 183 attempted hour cap
    • Second Bachelor's Degree - 225 cumulative attempted hour cap
    • Associate Degree - 95 attempted hour cap
    • Second Associates Degree - 175 cumulative attempted hour cap
    • Certificate - 75 attempted hour cap (Exceptions LPN = 99 hours, Rad Tech = 129 hours)
    • Second Certificate - 120 hour cumulative hour cap

Note: SAP is reviewed at the end of each term enrolled.

SAP Warning and SAP Failure

SAP Warning - The first term that a student falls below the GPA or Course Completion Rate requirements, he/she will be placed on a warning status.  He/she will need to resolve the issue by the end of the next semseter enrolled.  The student is still eligible for federal funding.

SAP Failure - The student automatically goes into SAP Failure if he/she goes over Max Time Frame or does not resolve the issue that placed them on SAP Warning. The student is no longer eligible for federal funding, but can submit a SAP Appeal application.


SAP Appeal Process

  1. The student will complete the SAP Appeal Application (link below). As part of the appeal application, the student will be asked to write a letter explaining the previous experience and offering a plan for future success.  The student should also provide documentation for special circumstances that led to his/her past failure.  Examples of special circumstance include: personal/family illness or injury, death of close relative, or other unique situation that occurred beyond the control of the student.
  2. If the SAP Failure is due to a Maximum Time Frame offense, the student will be required to meet with his/her advisor to complete a Graduation Plan.  The Office of Financial Aid will provide the Graduation Plan form to the student.  The advisor will need to calculate the exact number of credit hours needed to complete the program of study. The advisor will enter this information on the Graduation Plan form and sign the form.
  3. The student will submit all necessary forms to the Office of Financial Aid.
  4. The SAP Appeal Committee will meet to determine the renewal status.
  5. If the appeal is granted, the student will be contacted and his/her eligible aid will be awarded. However, there may be stipulations for the student to meet in order to maintain aid in the future.