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DSC Academic Advising: Dropping and Withdrawing

Process of Dropping a DSC Class

The process for dropping a class after the schedule adjustment deadline date (two-three days into the term) and by the advertised drop date (midpoint of the term) is relatively simple. The process follows:

1) The student should contact their advisor to discuss the desire to drop.

2) After discussing the options, the advisor will "release the student" for the current term. This can be done through the Roadrunner Portal under the Faculty & Advising menu / Permit a student to register.

3) The student can then access the add/drop menu in their Roadrunner Portal under the Banner tab. Select the course to drop through the drop down menu. Submit.

4) Students will need to clear any registration holds before making adjustments to their schedules.

5) Student should check their registration page to be sure the course has been withdrawn.

Process of Dropping an eCore Class

Dropping an eCore class follows the same process as DSC courses. The difference is in the calendars and the deadline dates may vary.

Withdrawal From Dalton State College (Dropping all Classes for a Term)

This process is a complete withdrawal from all classes by the advertised drop date that occurs at the mid-point in the term.  The process follows:

The student must complete the dynamic form - Schedule Adjustment form (drop ALL Classes for the semester).

In Section A, the student should fill in the information regarding term, year, and date of last attendance.

In Section B, the student will provide the reason for withdrawing.

In Section C, the student should read and sign the statements of understanding around the impact to Financial Aid.

In Section D, the student confirms that the have considered all options and understand the consequences of withdrawing.



  1. Complete withdrawals may require money to be paid back and may place the student on Financial Aid Warning.

Hardship Withdrawal (Only Available After Drop Date has Passed)

The Hardship Withdrawal is for students, who experienced a significant event after the mid-term drop date that made it impossible for the student to complete the term successfully.  Examples of these events would be:

  • the death of a close relative
  • personal/family illness or injury
  • shift change at work
  • military service

In order to qualify for the hardship withdrawal, the following conditions must be met:

  • the student must have documentation of the significant event
  • The Dean of Students and designated committee must approve the Hardship Withdrawal
  • The request should be submitted no later than one week after grades are posted of the term involved


Process of the Hardship Withdrawal

1. The student should file a request using the online form. Supporting evidence is required to document the significant event.

2.The Dean of Students and designated committee will make the final decision and notify the student.  If approved, the Dean of Students notifies the Vice President of Enrollment Services, Financial Aid,  Business Office, and Office of Academic Affairs.


Note: Like all complete withdrawals, an approved Hardship Withdrawal may require financial aid money to be paid back and may place the student on Financial Aid Warning.