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DSC Academic Advising: Advisement

Initial Visit

When a student is assigned to a new advisor, he/she should be given the opportunity to meet individually his/her advisor.

During this meeting, the academic advisor should cover the following topics:

  • the student's career plans
  • the fit of the current major with the student's career plans
  • the courses listed on the student's program sheet
  • DegreeWorks Worksheet
  • non-course requirements (GA History, GA Constitution, Learning Support, and CPCs)
  • application procedure for applying to upper division (if any)
  • time commitment of courses and class load recommendations based upon the student's responsibilities outside of school (work, family, church, etc).
  • DSC Resources (Math Lab, Writing Lab, Presentation Lab, Tutoring, etc)

After the visit, the advisor should document topics covered, pertinent information gathered, and unusual circumstances/events by using the "notes" section of DegreeWorks. Additionally, advisors might want to keep paper or electronic files for their personal advising notes. 

Follow-Up Appointment

When significant time is not available during the initial meeting with the advisee, the advisor should schedule a follow-up appointment with the advisee. Since a follow-up meeting is a great opportunity to see how the student is adjusting to DSC, this type of appointment is recommended for all new students.  During this meeting, the advisor can proactively address any potential issues like  attendance, academic difficulty, low grades, and involvement on campus. For this reason, a follow-up appointment with all new students is recommended.

Topics to address with students during a follow-up visit could include:

  • the fit of the current major with the student's career plans (these may change often)
  • the courses required for the degree
  • how to use DegreeWorks - the Worksheet, Planner, and What-If Analysis
  • potential classes for the upcoming term and sequencing of classes to consider when schedule planning
  • advisement and registration expectations and dates
  • any additional course requirements that include Learning Support and College Prep Curriculum classes
  • time commitment of courses and class load recommendations based upon the student's responsibilities outside of school (work, family, church, etc)
  • tutoring and support services - Math Lab, Writing Lab, tutoring, supplemental instruction, personal counseling, career counseling, and disability support services
  • campus involvement - Student Activities, Clubs, Athletics/Intramurals, Campus Drama/Music/Literary opportunities, etc

After the visit, the advisor should document topics covered, pertinent information gathered, and unusual circumstances/events.

Subsequent Couse Selection & Registration

When advising students for future terms, always:

  • verify that the current major still fits with the student's career plan.  If the student is wavering on his/her major, refer the student to Career and Professional Development in the Dean of Students' Office
  • document any changes of major in advisor notes and refer the student to the Department of his/her new major for advisement.  The student can use the What-If analysis in DegreeWorks to see the course required for the new major, however DegreeWorks does not provide students with critical information regarding sequencing and special procedures.  For this reason, referral to advisors in the new major is very important.
  • verify that the student is taking appropriate classes toward graduation (Document any variations/departures from the student's program of study in DegreeWorks)
  • make sure that the student understands that he/she will have to make course schedule adjustments if he/she does not earn the grade needed in a current class that is a prerequisite for a next-term course
  • ensure that the student is aware of deadline dates for tuition/fee payment and course schedule adjustments
  • document any actions taken or documents signed (overrides, substitution forms, etc)
  • use the Roadrunner portal to permit the student to register for the upcoming semester

After the visit, the advisor should document topics covered, pertinent information gathered, and unusual circumstances/events.

Major Change

For this type of appointment, please refer to the Major Change option from the drop down selection under the Advisement tab on this libGuide.  This section includes information on deadline dates, the Major Change Process, Choosing a New Major, and the Implications of Changing the Major.

After the visit, the advisor should document topics covered, pertinent information gathered, and unusual circumstances/events.

Schedule Adjustment

After registering for classes, students often find that they need to make schedule adjustments.  The process to drop or add classes is very similar to the one used for registration. If the student's permit is still on and web Banner is open, the student should be able to make these changes independently. If the permit has been removed or web Banner is down, the student will need assistance from his/her advisor or Enrollment Services to make the changes.

Dropping and Withdrawing

Helping a student determine whether he/she should drop a class can be complicated. In most cases, the student comes to this decision from an emotional thought process.  The motivation to drop may stem from fear, frustration, and/or anger.  The advisor's role is to help the student evaluate the situation in a rational manner to determine if dropping the class is in his/her best interest.  Ultimately, the final decision will rest with the student.  After the visit, the advisor should document the situation, referrals made, and outcome.


The following information should help the student make the decision:

Actions Students Should Take Before Dropping A Class

1) The student should speak to the instructor to see if he/she can still earn the preferred grade and to determine what resources are available to assist him/her

2) The student should speak to his/her advisor to determine how the dropped class could impact the time line to graduation and/or the sequencing of classes for future terms

3) The student should speak with a financial aid representative to determine the consequences on current and future aid


Things Students Should consider before dropping a class:

1) Dropping a class will impact the student's Financial Aid Course Completion Rate and the Max Timeframe

2) Dropping a class will cost the student time and money already invested

3) Dropping a class may set the student back in terms of graduation date

4) Multiple drops give employers and graduate school admission committees the impression that the student bails or quits when classes get difficult


 When Should a student Drop a Class?

1) If there is no way for the student to earn the points to pass the class

2) If the student has missed or will miss more than the maximum number of days required to pass

3) If the student cannot earn a grade high enough to meet the degree requirement or keep his/her educational funding (HOPE, PELL, or Student Loans)


Note: The processes for dropping one or more classes and completely withdrawing from Dalton State College are located on the drop down menu under the Advisement tab in this libGuide.

Financial Aid (SAP Appeal & Graduation Plan)

For this type of appointment, please refer to the Financial Aid option under the Advisement Tab drop down menu on this LibGuide.  This page covers general Financial Aid information, Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress, and the SAP Appeal Process,


Note: Always direct students to the Office of Financial Aid for any questions regarding financial aid, HOPE, or scholarships.

Poor Academic Performance

For more information on this type of appointment, please refer to the following drop down options under the Advisement tab:

Academic Progress - Covers Satisfactory Academic Progress, Academic Probation, Academic Suspension, and Readmission after Suspension

Student with Low Grades - Covers different situations where low grades occur and offers suggestions for improvement

Graduation Check Out

Before a student may graduate from Dalton State College, he/she must

  1. submit the Graduation Application electronically before the deadline date. The form will automatically be forwarded to the advisor submitted on the application.
  2. pay graduation fee through student account.
Graduation Term Application deadline Ceremony
Spring October 30th May
Summer/Fall April 1st December

Each student should meet with his/her advisor or Department Chair to ensure requirements for graduation have been met. After this meeting, the advisor/chair should document the meeting in Degree Works and note any issues that should be resolved to meet graduation requirements.


The student will submit the graduation application through dynamics forms for approval of the advisor/Chair.  In reviewing the graduation application:

  • verify that the student will complete the program requirements by the graduation term  Some of the resources used for graduation verification include: Graduation Checklists, Program Sheets, and DegreeWorks.  DegreeWorks offers the most thorough verification because it takes into consideration Non-Course Requirements and the appropriate catalog for each student. 
  • ensure that the Student ID number, major, degree, term, and catalog information have been entered correctly on the application
  • check the box if course substitutions have been approved to meet program requirements
  • check the list of courses that are currently in progress
  • check the list of courses that are still needed to fulfill the requirements for graduation
  • sign and date the application

Students will pay the graduation app fee online.



Transferring to Another Institution

Please refer to the Transferring to Another Institution on the drop down menu of the Advisement tab for this libGuide.