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Educational Learning Theories: Chapter 1 Learning Enrichment Activities

Chapter 1 Enrichment Activities

Activity 1: Classical Conditioning and Pavlov's Dog Experiment

In his experiment, Pavlov rang a bell when he gave food to his experimental dogs. He noticed that the dogs salivated shortly before they were given food. He discovered that when the bell was rung at repeated feedings, the sound of the bell alone (a conditioned stimulus) would cause the dogs to salivate (a conditioned response).

Click the "Press" button below the arrow to see how dog reacts to each of the 3 scenarios below (YOU MUST USE EITHER CHROME OR EDGE AND YOU MUST ENABLE FLASH FOR GAMES TO WORK):


This illustration above shows the steps of Classical Conditioning.

1. Food = salivation

2. Food + Stimulus = salivation (conditioned stimulus)

3. Bell alone produces salivation (conditioned response)

Activity 2: Operant Conditioning

Play the video below to see an example of operant conditioning.

Figure 1.2. This video illustrates Operant Conditioning. The mouse pushes the lever and receives a food reward. Therefore, he will push the lever repeatedly in order to get the treat.

Activity 3: Reinforcement and Punishment Comparison Drag and Drop

Drag and Drop: Drag the squares at the bottom to their correct place above. The four possible targets for the Drag and Drop are Positive Reinforcement, Positive Punishment, Negative Reinforcement and Negative Punishment. Each time you get one right you will hear applause.


Activity 4: Modeling, Shaping, and Cueing Jeopardy Game

Click the "Start" link below to play a game of jeopardy. Answer each question as best you can and note your final score.

Activity 5: Catch the Six components of Behavior Modification

Note the letters bellow and catch the 6 components of behavior modification to win! HINT: Use your arrow keys to move the cart.

A. Positive Reinforcement

B. Specification of the desired outcome

C. Modeling or observational learning

D. Development of a positive, nurturing environment

E. Identification and use of appropriate reinforcers

F. Reinforcement of behavior patterns develop until the student has established a pattern of success in engaging in class discussions.

G. Using the  right consequences

H. Reduction in the frequency of rewards-a gradual decrease the amount of one-on-one review with the student before class discussion.

I. Reusing successful strategies.

J. Evaluation and assessment of the effectiveness of the approach based on teacher expectations and student results.