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Online Education and Assessment Committee: Information from Spring 2022 Meeting

Information for Meeting

Student Grade Comparisons Fall 2019 and Fall 2021 at DSC


  Fall 2019 "Risky" Courses Fall 2021 "Risky" Courses
Traditional Face-To-Face 13.4% 13.1%
Hybrid 18.7% 29.0%
Online* 7.8% 15.3%

*The number of online courses increased from 51 in Fall 2019 to 85 in Fall 2021.

Studies regarding student performance in online and face-to-face courses

Student Performance in Remote Learning

Online vs. Face-to-Face Georgia State

Ecore Proctor Exam Policy

Is Online Education Working?

Online Learning in Post Secondary Education


"A majority of the studies examining the comparative performance of online versus face-to-face learning have found "no significant difference" in student outcomes. However, they also find that honors students perform equivalently no matter the instructional delivery mode, whereas non-honors students perform better face-to-face."

Agenda for Spring 2022 Meeting