Dalton State College
Derrell C. Roberts Library Effective Date: October 13, 2020
Laptop Circulation Policy
This policy will inform students as to the procedures and guidelines for library loaned laptops.
The Derrell C. Roberts Library loans laptops to currently enrolled students. By checking out a Roberts Library laptop, the user agrees that he/she is solely responsible for this device until it is returned to the library.
The laptops will be loaned for a period of up to one (1) semester/session. Lenders will receive two (2) email notifications prior to the end of the loan period as a reminder of the due date.
Should the laptop be damaged or lost, the lender will be charged a replacement fee along with a processing fee. These fees will be on their DSC student account. Replacement fees may be up to $1,000 depending on the condition and year of manufacture of the laptop, and processing fees are $25.00. If a laptop is overdue, the charge will be $50.00 per day, up to the cost of replacement.
Borrowing Guidelines
A valid, current DSC student ID is required at the time of checkout. There are no exceptions to this unless approved by the Library Director.
A current Laptop Loan Agreement form must be completed and signed prior to checking out a laptop. A Laptop Loan Agreement form must be completed each new academic term (Fall, Spring, Summer) prior to checking out a laptop and the student must be currently enrolled in that academic term. Laptops must be returned at the end of each semester and may not be renewed between semesters.
Students may fill out the online request form but laptops are available on a first-come, first-serve basis.
While using this laptop, the lender will not:
· Violate any state or federal laws with regard to trademark, copyright, patent, libel, slander or privacy of electronic data communication.
· Loan the laptop to friends or family members.
No data should be stored on the laptop’s hard drive by the borrower. All files stored locally will be deleted upon return of the laptop.
Return Procedures
The laptop must be returned at the end of each semester/session to a library employee at the Library Help Desk in the same operating condition as when it was borrowed, including all peripherals and accessories. Library staff will check the laptop for any damage. This may take 10 to 15 minutes. If damage has occurred, charges will be assessed accordingly.
Failure to comply with the appropriate use of these resources threatens the atmosphere for the sharing of information, the free exchange of ideas, and the secure environment for creating and maintaining information property, and subjects one to discipline. Any user of any DSC system found using IT resources for unethical and/or inappropriate practices has violated this policy and is subject to disciplinary proceedings including suspension of DSC privileges, expulsion from school, termination of employment and/or legal action as may be appropriate.
If a borrower tampers with a laptop, they will be barred from future use of the library laptops and will be reported to Campus Security for further disciplinary and/or legal actions.
Melissa Whitesell
Library Director
Jeff Marshall
Chief Information Officer