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Library Policies and Procedures: Archive/Dalton Room User Registration Form

Archive/Dalton Room User Registration Form

Dalton State College

Roberts Library Archive/Dalton Room

User Registration Form

Name: ________________________________________                       Date: _____ / ______ / ______

                Last                                        First                       M.I.                                  Month        Date      Year

Home Address _________________________________________________________________

                                Street/P.O. Box                                                                City                        State                     Zip Code


Photo ID ______________________   ___________   _______________       

                                Number                                       Type                      Exp. Date


Telephone: _____________________________          Email:_____________________________


User Description:

1.  DSC Faculty – Department _______________________________________

2. DSC Student – Major ____________________________________________

3. Other Academic Institution _______________________________________

4. General Public _________________________________________________         


How did you hear about the Dalton State College Archives?




By signing this form, the researcher acknowledges that he/she has read the Dalton State College Archives access conditions and agrees to adhere to these conditions. The researcher also assumes all responsibility to honor copyright and privacy legislation.







Staff Use: Researcher #









Access Conditions:

1. Reading Room

1.1. A librarian is available by appointment only.  

1.2. Upon entering the Archives, each new patron must fill in and sign a User Registration Form and show a piece of photo ID. By doing so, the patron agrees to observe the rules and guidelines. Returning patrons must show their Registration Card and sign in with the librarian.

1.3. All coats, umbrellas, bags, parcels and personal books are not permitted in the Archives. Patrons must hang up their coats at the door and store their personal effects in the storage lockers. Oversize items can be kept in the Librarian’s office. DSC reserves the right to inspect any bag, parcel or notebook prior to leaving the Archive.

1.4. There are no food, drink or tobacco products permitted in the Archives.

1.5. No pens are allowed in the Reading Room. Pencils are available from the Librarian

1.6 Photocopying is permitted if it is in accordance with donor agreements and copyright legislation. Copies will not be permitted if the item is especially fragile or valuable and copying would cause notable damage. DSC staff will do all photocopying.


2. Archival Materials:

2.1 Only DSC staff will retrieve records stored in the archival storage room. Visitors are not permitted entry into the archival storage area.

2.2 All materials must remain in the library at all times.

2.3 A Call Sheet must be kept for each box / item requested by the researcher. This Call Sheet must be filled out by the researcher and initialed by the person supervising the Archives. Items may be requested from the stacks by appointment only.

2.4 Patrons must use only one box at a time and remove only one folder at a time. Keep all records in the existing order. If any errors or omissions are evident, the Librarian must be notified.

2.5 Records must be handled with extreme care at all times and never be written on, traced, bent or folded.

2.6 These materials are provided mainly for research and private study only. The patron assumes the sole responsibility for any infringement of the literary rights, copyrights, privacy or other rights that pertain to these records.

2.7 If publishing material from the archives, the researcher is encouraged to give credit to the

Dalton State College Archives in the following manner: Institution, accession number, and collection title. Example: Dalton State College Archives, 1.43, Marian McCamy Sims Papers.

2.8 DSC reserves the right to restrict the use of records that are of exceptional value, extremely fragile, that are not arranged, or that are in the process of being arranged. DSC will also deny access to anyone who fails to comply with these regulations or who acts in a disruptive manner.