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Library Policies and Procedures: Workstation Use Policy



Dalton State College

Derrell C. Roberts Library

Workstation Use Policy


In accordance with the Dalton State College Computer and Network Usage Policy, the following additional guidelines govern the use of public workstations located in the Derrell C. Roberts Library of Dalton State College.

The DSC Library computer workstations are to be used for educational research and Microsoft Office software access.  Users accessing GALILEO and other licensed library databases have priority over all other users.

Workstations are available to all Roberts Library patrons in the following priority order:

  1. Current Dalton State College faculty, staff, and students.
  2. Other University System faculty, staff, and students.

3.   All other library users.  (An adult must directly supervise children under age 16).  

Patrons in groups #2 and #3 should sign in at the Circulation Desk and pick up a one-hour guest access code.

Users may not load software or change settings on Library workstations. Consult library staff if you have questions about available software/hardware.  Deliberate attempts to degrade the performance of a computer system or to interfere with other users’ access to resources will result in loss of Roberts Library privileges.

The Library recognizes that scholarship and teaching require freedom of intellectual inquiry. Research may involve exploration of diverse information resources, and access to electronic content in the Library will not be unduly restricted. However, patrons should be aware that some material might be offensive to other library users or staff.  Researchers viewing such content may be asked to conduct their studies in a private environment.

Use of college resources, including Library workstations, to defame, harass, intimidate or threaten library patrons or staff is expressly forbidden.  Individuals using workstations to defame, harass, intimidate or threaten will be asked to leave and may forfeit the opportunity to use the facility in the future.

Computers should not be used for commercial activity.

Your cooperation in adhering to this policy is appreciated. Those wishing to discuss workstation usage should schedule an appointment with the Library Director.


Revised December 2017    Approved by Faculty Senate 2/8/18