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Library Policies and Procedures: Solicitation & Distribution on Campus

Solicitation & Distribution on Campus


The orderly and efficient operation of Dalton State College requires certain restrictions on solicitation of employees and the distribution of materials and information on campus. 


Outside Business Solicitations

No lists of DSC employees should be made available to anyone outside of DSC except as may be required by law.  All requests for student lists should be submitted to the Office of Enrollment and Student Services.  No off-campus-generated material will be placed in campus mailboxes except that which is sent through U.S. mail services.


Distributions or Solicitations by Employees

Personal solicitations or the distribution of information to employees are not permitted if they interfere with or interrupt other employees engaged in work. 


Distributions or Solicitations by Non-Employees

Non-employees have no presumptive right to enter the campus, including parking lots, for the purpose of soliciting or distributing any material to DSC employees or students.  Violations should be reported to Public Safety as appropriate. 

Prior approval of the Vice President for Fiscal Affairs or his/her delegate is required for any solicitations or marketing on campus other than those conducted by regularly authorized auxiliary enterprises or parties with whom the College has contractual agreements.

Employees may make specific appointments to meet salespeople in campus offices.  However, employees are not authorized to obligate DSC to any acquisition that requires processing through normal procurement channels. 


The following forms of solicitation, when approved by the Office of Student Activities, are permitted:

           Fund-raising activities by an organization related to the College

               Distribution of information in a specified area


Solicitation in the following forms is strictly prohibited at all times: 

          Distribution of handbills on vehicles or to individuals*

          Posting on bulletin boards without the appropriate approval from Student Activities.       

         (NOTE:  Department bulletin boards are under the jurisdiction of individual department heads.)

         *Charges for cleanup will be billed accordingly.

The annual State Charitable Contributions Program and the annual Dalton State College Foundation Campaign are exempt from this policy.