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Library Policies and Procedures: Exhibit Loan Agreement & Release Form

Exhibit Loan Agreement & Release Form

Dalton State College

Derrell C. Roberts Library

Exhibit Loan Agreement & Release Form


            Derrell C. Roberts Library thanks you for your willingness to temporarily lend items for exhibit within the library (please attach a list). As a security measure we agree to keep all display items within a locked case.  The Roberts Library and/or Dalton State College is not responsible for any damaged, lost, or stolen items.

            It is the responsibility of the lender to: 1) insure the items; 2) provide a list of the items; 3) bring the exhibit items in on ____________ ; 4)  pick up the items on ____________ ; and 5) dispose of unwanted exhibit items                                                          

            If any items are not collected by the pick up date, a courtesy call will be made. However, if the lender should then fail to pick up the items the library will not be responsible for returning materials.


Please fill in the below information:


Name of Lender:  _________________________________________


Address: __________________________________________



Phone number:  ____________________________  


Name of person who may pick up items other than the lender: _______________________


Phone number for this individual: _______________________


I, the undersigned, hereby lend the following items to Roberts Library for exhibit purposes only.  In consideration of the privilege of exhibiting them in the library, I hereby release said library from responsibility for loss, damage, or destruction while they are in the possession of the library.


Description of items loaned:___________________________________________________


List attached: ___ yes  ____ no



Signature:__________________________________________   Date:________________




Items have been picked up by: ________________________________ on ____________       

                                                                 Name                                                 Date   

Items released by: ____________ on _____________

                                Staff initials                Date  





Approved by DSC Library Advisory Committee

November 10, 2008