Dalton State College Institutional Online Learning Goals
Upcoming Respondus Training for Dalton State Faculty and Staff:
February 6th at Noon ET/ 11 am CT
Registration link for participants: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/5163415900460068697
March 26th at 1 pm ET/ Noon CT
Registration link for participants: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/852381441043439710
- How to use LockDown Browser to prevent digital cheating in proctored testing environments
- How to use Respondus Monitor in non-proctored environments, to protect exam integrity and confirm student identity
- Advanced settings including combining proctored & non-proctored settings and using external tools in quizzes without compromising exam integrity
- The student perspective using each application
- Efficient review of the assessment data collected, including the Review Priority system, timeline, and milestone features
- Best practices and tips for success with both applications