Philanthropy News DigestPhilanthropy News Digest (PND), a daily news service of Candid, is a compendium, in digest form, of philanthropy-related articles and features culled from print and electronic media outlets nationwide.
Published daily, PND news items summarize the contents of original articles, press releases, and grantmaker communications. Each item includes a citation for the original source, which readers of PND can use to access the original source document. Published weekly on Tuesdays, our flagship Philanthropy News Digest newsletter delivers a summary of the week's news.
RFP (Request for Proposals) are listed daily, and the RFP Bulletin summarizes the week's listings every Friday afternoon. Each RFP listing provides a brief overview of a current funding opportunity offered by a foundation or other grantmaking organization. Interested applicants should read the full RFP at the grantmaker's website or contact the grantmaker directly for complete program guidelines and eligibility requirements before submitting a proposal.
The Job board in PND features current full-time job openings at U.S. foundations, grantmaking public charities, nonprofit organizations, and educational instituutions. Job descriptions remain on the board for two months. Candid reserves the right to post, remove, and edit job descriptions at its discretion.