1. You must have all the required signatures on the Notice of Intent to Apply form.
Since a grant award is a legal obligation and commitment by Dalton State College, due diligence is needed to ensure that appropriate individuals are aware of and approve of a grant proposal before it is developed and submitted to the funder. Additionally, the University System of Georgia (USG) is legally responsible for all grant expenditures. A number of issues may be considered during the approval process, including the likelihood of funding, alignment with the college's strategic goals, and requirements to sustain the project after the funding ends.
2. The RFP or grant announcement should be sent to your dean or direct supervisor and Melissa Whitesell no later than one month before the proposal is due to the funder.
The request for proposal (RFP) or grant announcement should be sent to your dean or direct supervisor and Melissa Whitesell so they can review and have some understanding of the request. The Notice of Intent to Apply and the RFP will be reviewed and will either be returned to you for editing or submitted for approval. We will need to make sure there is plenty of time for revisions and discussion. In some cases contact with the granting agency may take place.
3. Once the final proposal is ready, contact Melissa Whitesell at least one week before the submission deadline.
This will allow time to ensure that all accounts are registered/updated in the various grant systems.