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Disability Access: APPLY FOR SERVICES

Application Process

A request for Disability Access may be done at any time. However, you are encouraged to contact the office as early as possible.

It is the student's responsibility to:

  • Contact Disability Access and request an appointment to discuss the process for voluntarily self-disclosing a disability and for requesting accommodations 
  • Submit professional documentation. Allow time to review the documentation, explain the accommodations that are desired, and to complete an application and confidentiality agreement
  • Permit the staff at Dalton State to consult with the appropriate entities to determine eligibility and appropriate accommodations 
  • Work with Disability Access, faculty, and staff to complete the steps required to arrange your   accommodations 

Disability Access

Andrea Roberson
Associate Director of Disability Access and Student Support Services
Pope Student Center, upper level
Monday - Thursday
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am- 12:00 pm