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Disability Access: FAQ's


   Q: Can I get a closer parking place?

A: It depends. Students with a temporary impairment (ie. Broken foot or leg) or permanent impairment that limits or restricts walking may obtain a “temporary parking permit” with the appropriate documentation. Temporary parking permits must be renewed each semester with Disability Access. Have your doctor complete the following form (link).

   Q: Is there a lactation room on campus?

A: Yes. Westcott Building has a lactation room in the main hallway.

   Q: I’m pregnant, can I get accommodations?

A: Pregnancy is not considered a disability and therefore does not qualify for accommodations. All circumstances are different, so stop by the office to get more information.

   Q: Are there extra financial aid or scholarships for students with disabilities?

A: No. Dalton State evaluates students based on financial need only. Students can check our Foundation Scholarships and search the internet for scholarships or grants that are for individuals with specific disabilities (ie. Autistic Spectrum Disorder, Psychological impairments, etc)

   Q: Is there a wheelchair I can borrow?

A: No. Dalton State does not have a wheelchair on campus.

   Q: Can I get a personal companion?

A: Students in need of a personal companion due to a disability, must provide that person. The Disability Access office will work with you to ensure the student and the companion has the necessary support.

   Q: I have test anxiety; can I get extra time to take my tests?

A: It depends. Test anxiety is NOT at considered a disability. However, if you are experiencing test anxiety please make an appointment with our office or Counseling Services to discuss the options we can offer you.

   Q: Can I get accommodations in housing?

A: Yes. Please contact Disability Access so that the appropriate paperwork can be completed.  

   Q: Can I get accommodations for the COMPASS, Institutional SAT  or the Residual ACT test? 

A: Yes. You must register with Disability Access to determine if you are eligible and then accommodations are arranged. 

   Q: I have a food allergy, can I get Disability Support Services?

A: Yes. Students with food allergies can register with Disability Access and we will work together to reduce chances of exposure.

  Q: I need to bring my service animal to campus, do I need to let someone know?

A: You are strongly encouraged to read our service animal policy in the college’s catalog and to register your animal with Disability Access.

Q: I would like to have an “assistance/emotional support animal” in my dorm, can I do that?

A: Maybe. You must apply for housing accommodations through Disability Access and be approved for that accommodation. See “documentation” tab on this libguide for details.



 Q: Will my student have an IEP or 504 plan like they did in high school?

A: No. Higher education is governed by the ADA and Section 504 rather than IDEA.  All qualifiying students are given accommodations based on THEIR need and the student is responsible for implementing that plan.

 Q: Can you use the IEP or 504 plan as documentation for my student?

A: No. Dalton State requires specific documentation that many times includes timelines.  Go to link for specifics on what we will need for your student. 

 Q: Are there extra financial aid or scholarships for students with disabilities?

A: It depends.  Check the following resources for information that may be helpful.  You may also consider searching the internet under the type of disability.

The HEATH Resource Center at the National Youth Transitions Center has a financial aid publication for youth with disabilities and families. We highlight several scholarship resources for youth with disabilities in the back of the publication.

In addition, we have a list of financial aid, scholarships, and internship resources in our Links section of our website:

Q: My student/child has a food allergy, can you make sure none of those products are in the classroom or dorm?

A: No. Dalton State works with each student individually to try and reduce the risk of exposure.


   Q: If a student self discloses a disability to me and wants accommodations, should I give them the accommodations without paperwork from Disability Access?

A: No. In this situation you should refer the student to the Disability Access office so it can be determined if they qualify for accommodations.   

   Q: Where can I find details about the accommodations my students have?

A: In this libguide under "accommodation guide" all of the details including your responsibilities are listed.

Q: How can I create accessible forms?

A: You can easily create accessible forms using Acrobat Pro XI. Follow the link below for more information.

Q: How do I extend time on tests in GaView?

A: In the course, select the quiz > restrictions tab > select Advanced Availability/Allow selected users special access/Add users to special access > select the settings the student requires and add their name.

Q: A student came to my classroom with a service animal, is that allowed?

A: Yes.  See the “Service Animals” tab on this libguide.

Q: How should we treat a service animal on campus?

A: See “etiquette” under the service animals tab on this libguide.