Many company websites look similar to Lululemon's. There are links for store locations, ads, account information, and other features targeting shoppers or customers. To locate company history, governance, corporate culture and other background information, you will usually need to scroll to the bottom of the page, and look for links such as:
Most companies will include their organizational chart on the company's website or within the annual report. You may also want to use the websites below. Keep in mind for the sites below... while information is often provided by employees of a company or business, it is not officially verified and may not be the most current.
The Official Board offers charts for "the world's 20,000 largest corporations" (registration required)
CogMap is an organizational chart wiki for companies and organizations. Do note that the information is self-reported and almost anyone can edit the content.
More detailed charts of large corporations are available for purchase from The Conference Board.
Information from: Rutger's University Business LibGuide.