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Government Publications & Information: Statistics by Subject

The federal depository collection at DSC

GALILEO resources

If you're off-campus, log into GALILEO with your email username & password, and select databases from the Database A-Z tab. Policy Map isn't yet in GALILEO. The USG has a trial subscription for Fall Semester 2013.

Business/Finance Statistics


Tips for finding government statistics

1 Search your topic in GIL and maybe add words like "statistics" or "trends" or "report". Once you've found documents by an agency or two that collects statistics on your topic, go to their websites for the newest statistics.

  At an agency website, you may need to click on Publications, Reports, Resources, or Library.

Statistical Abstract of the United States (in GALILEO) has statistics from many government agencies on almost every topic.

3 Google your topic and limit to site:gov

Search the Catalog of Government Publications. The CGP links to online documents.

Congressional Hearings are excellent sources for statistics and for expert testimony. Hearings contain research from subject specialists at the Library of Congress and testimony from relevant experts. Electronic versions of hearings are available in the CGP and GPO's FDsys. Some hearings are in GIL and the GIL Universal Catalog.

6 Try Zanran Numerical Data Search - Zanran helps you to find numerical data in graphs and tables and charts on the Internet.
