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Government Publications & Information: Home

The federal depository collection at DSC

Contact us

Melissa Whitesell, Government Documents Coordinator can be reached @ 706-272-2503 or

Laura Tolliver, Librarian; Government Documents Research Help can be reached @ 706-272-4583 or

This guide was developed in collaboration with Chris Sharpe of Kennesaw State University.


Federal Depository Library Program logo

Government Documents at Dalton State Roberts Library

office door

Location of Documents - 1st Floor - East Wing - Office 143 - 706-272-2533

Government Documents are cataloged in GIL-Find the Library's Catalog. Many of the documents in the catalog have links to their online versions. 

DSC's Government Documents are shelved in the East Wing.

  •  Paper is shelved in the GovDoc stacks.
  •  All other items are available digitally on Government sites such as U.S. Geological Survey

For assistance, ask at the Government Documents Office Rm 143 

DSC Depository

The Derrell C. Roberts Library & North Georgia College & State University are selective federal depositories serving the citizens of the 14th Congressional District. The University of Georgia in Athens is Georgia's Regional Depository which receives copies of all documents available through the FDLP.

The Roberts Library Depository has approximately 100,000 publications from many federal government departments and agencies including Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Education, Health and Human Services, Interior, Justice, Labor, NASA, President, IRS, and Congress.

Since 1996, the Federal Government has been migrating documents from tangible formats to the Internet, so some documents can only be found on agencies' websites.