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ENGL 3010: Introduction to Literary Studies: Postcolonialism

Key Individuals

Edward Said

Kamua Braithwate

Dominick LaCapra

Homi Bhabha

Books in the Library

Post-colonial theory focuses on writings by colonial powers or about colonized countries/states/regions, as well as works by colonized individuals. "Post-colonial theory looks at issues of power, economics, politics, religion, and culture and how these elements work in relation to colonial hegemony (western colonizers controlling the colonized)".

Source: Purdue OWL: Postcolonial Criticism 1900-present.

Subject Headings and Keywords

When searching for information in the library catalog, databases, or internet search engines, use these subject headings or keywords:

  • Ethnic Groups in Literature
  • Ethnicity and Literature
  • Imperialism in Literature
  • Literature and Society
  • Literature and Politics
  • Postcolonialism in Literature