When searching for information on feminist theory in the library catalog, databases, or internet search engines, use these subject headings or keywords:
When searching for information on queer theory in the library catalog, databases, or internet search engines, use these subject headings or keywords:
Michele Barrett
Helene Cixous
Simone de Beauvoir
Mary Ellman
Judith Fetterley
Julio Kristera
Kate Millet
Judith Fetterley
Elaine Showalter
Virginia Woolf
Judith Butler
Helene Cixous
Jonathan Dollimore
Marguerite Duras
Michael Foucault
Claudia Herman
Jonathan Ned Katz
Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick
In 1929, Virginia Woolf wrote A Room of One's Own, defining a tradition of literature written by women. Modern feminist criticism began with Mary Ellman's Thinking About Women. Feminist critics view literature as primarily patriarchal (controlled by males). Feminine characters are seen as passive and emotional while the male characters are dominating and rational.