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Section 508 Compliance/Accessibility: Accessibility is everyone's responsibility!

Dalton State is committed to making our entire campus 508 compliant and accessible.

Accessibility is everyone's responsibility!

Accessibility Image

Dalton State is committed to making our entire campus 508 compliant and accessible

Section 508 is pertinent to Dalton State so individuals with disabilities who are members of the campus and the public seeking learning, information, and/or services from a Federal department or agency have accessible access to that learning, information, and/or services. That the data is as accessible in its delivery to its individuals with disabilities as it is to its members who are not individuals with disabilities. That we abide by the law.

Section 508 (Federal Civil Rights Law - Rehabilitation Act of 1973) regards electronic and information technology.  Upon development, procurement, maintenance, or use of electronic and information technology, each Federal department or agency shall ensure that their technology is accessible to employees and members of the public with disabilities to the extent it does not pose an "undue burden." Section 508 is mandatory when dispersing information via computers, software, and electronic office equipment to these entities. It applies to, but is not solely focused on, Federal pages on the Internet or the World Wide Web. .

Additional information re the campus, accessibility, and the law.

Specific Areas of Responsibility


  • All Documents - properly formatted docs for eUse and print, Atl Text on all required images

  • Alt (Alternative) Text on all images used in any form of electronic media - documents, website, emails, etc.

  • Videos - proper captioning

Faculty/any Instructor Role:

  • Everyone covered above

  • Content - HTML pages, properly formatted docs for eUse and print, Atl Text on all required images

  • Videos - proper captioning

  • Syllabus

  • Accessibility addressed in all campus specific purchases


  • Everyone covered above

  • Dynamic Forms

  • Policy Procedure Manuals

  • Accessibility addressed in all campus specific purchases


  • Everyone covered above

  • Policy Procedure Manuals

  • Accessibility addressed in all campus specific purchases


Link to Checklist

DS Campus 508 Compliance/Accessibility contacts

Andrea Roberson, M.P.A.
Director of Disability Access and Student Support Services      

Pat Horton
LMS Admin/Instructional Technologist