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Criminal Justice: Trait Theories


Videos available in DVD format, as well as videos placed On Reserve, are kept at the library's front desk.  Videos may be checked out of the library by faculty, students and staff.  

Trait Theory

Cesare Lombroso compared the physical traits of criminals and compared them with non-criminals to determine if there was a correlation between physical appearance and tendencies to commit a crime. 

Other individuals associated with Trait theory are Sigmund Freud, Charles Goring, Earnest Hooten, and William Sheldon

Is Criminal Behavior Genetic?

Are some people born evil? Steve Jones addresses this question by examining the genetic and social factors that contribute to crime and antisocial behavior. The work of Dutch geneticist Hans Brunner and his discovery of the "crime gene"—the genetic marker for violence—is examined, as lawyers seize upon the research to defend a murderer. Los Angeles geneticist David Comings, who runs a clinic for troubled youths, believes in the genetic theory and prescribes drugs such as Ritalin to control antisocial behavior. Several career criminals discuss why they committed crimes. Original BBC broadcast title: Original Sin. (50 minutes)

Books in the Library

Circulating titles are located upstairs on the 2nd floor.  These titles can be checked out of the library for a 28-day loan period.  You will need your Roadrunner Card to check out books. 

These are just a few of the many titles available in the library.  To locate more, search the GIL-Online catalog.