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Northwest: Assessment Fall Day 3

Fall Assessment Day 3

Day 3:

View the presentation for Day 3 and complete the following.

NAME__________________________________                         CLASS 1st Period August 30th

1.Which classification system does Dalton State and most other colleges use for locating books?


2. Three databases in Galileo recommended for conducting research for an argumentative essay are:




3. ________________ are considered excellent sources because they are reviewed by experts in the field before being published.

4. Be sure to monitor the _______________ to check for new information about your topic.

5. Boolean Operators for searching: AND, OR, NOT.

_________ Restricts a search by requiring more terms

_________ Expands a search by allowing more than one term

_________ Restricts a search by leaving out a term

6.What does the acronym “CRAAP” refer to when evaluating websites?






7.Write down the MLA citation for a web page on your topic that you found on the Internet ______________________________________________________________________________



8. To get access to articles that are not full text in Galileo you can email

9. How do you plan to keep track of the articles you find for your research?