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Dalton State Student Technologies: Poster Printing

Information for DSC students about technologies available to them.

Poster Templates and Link to Submit a Print Request

Print and Laminating Request Form:


**Request 1 form per group if doing a project or presentation with multiple members.

Poster examples and tips for making a better poster

Website with templates for academic posters:

Scientific Posters Copyright – Scientific Posters: A Learner's Guide (

Poster templates from Research poster design samples |

Official Dalton State School and Department Logos

**When inserting the logos, resize image appropriately 
 Right click on logo>Save Image>Insert into (Word, PPT, etc.) 

Allied Health & Social Work 

Wright School of Business

Roberts Library

Dalton State 



QR Code Generator Resources

Poster Tools

Basic Poster Design Tips



Academic posters are a summary of what you did, how you did it, and what you learned. Most are divided into four parts:

  • Introduction (what you did)
  • Design or methods (how you did it)
  • Results
  • Conclusion (what you learned)

Space is limited. Choose your words and graphics carefully.

Don’t forget to SPELL CHECK your poster before submitting for print!


Design your file at full size (100%)  **TEMPLATES up above are already preset with dimensions.                                                                                                                              If your poster is 36″ wide x 24″ tall then set your slide dimensions to 36″ x 24″.

Present information the way you would normally read—left to right, top to bottom.

Use columns and line breaks to divide the poster into smaller sections. Use bullets instead of long paragraphs to summarize information.

Maintain a good contrast between the background color and the text. Consider using a light color background and a dark text. A gradient color fill background, especially black, will print poorly and is not recommended.


Someone standing 3–4 feet away should be able to read everything on your poster. Here are some suggested fonts and sizes:

Sans serif: Lucida Sans, Lucida Grande; Serif:  Palatino, Book Antiqua

  • Title: 72 point
  • Headings/section titles: 40 point
  • Body text: 24 point
  • Captions: 18 point

Limit yourself to 2–3 types of fonts in order to create consistency and unity.


A picture is worth 1,000 words. Poster content should be 60% images, 40% text. Use graphs, charts, tables, and photos to summarize and present data.

High resolution images (150 dpi or higher) are required for printing high quality posters.

Color mode for best results is CMYK.

Insert images directly into PowerPoint. Don’t cut and paste, or copy and paste.

Copy and paste Excel charts and graphs into PowerPoint.

To adjust an image and retain proper proportion, hold the shift key on your keyboard, click, and drag the corners to scale. Enlarging images in PowerPoint is not recommended.


*Borrowed from