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ENGL 2111 and 2112 World Literature: Reference Books

Using Literary Sources in the Reference Collection

For instructions on searching literary indexes, view this short Powerpoint tutorial:

Had we but world enough and time . . .

If you know when your author lived and worked:

(Antiquity—1399)      Classical and Medieval Literature Criticism REF PN 681.5 .C57

(1400-1799)             Literature Criticism from 1400-1800 REF PN 86.L56

(1800-1899)             Nineteenth Century Literary Criticism REF PN 761.N5

(1900-1959)             Twentieth Century Literary Criticism REF PN 771.G27

(1960—present)        Contemporary Literary Criticism REF PN 771.C59

(Currently living)      Contemporary Authors REF Z 1224.C58

O, the drama of it all!

For criticism on plays, dramas, and film:

Drama Criticism REF PN 1601 .D59

Drama for Students REF PN 1707 .D72

Critical Survey of Drama REF PN 1625 .C68 2003

Masterplots II Drama Series REF PN 6112.5 .M37

McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of World Drama REF PN 1625 .M3


Life is Poetry

If you are searching for poetry criticism:

Poetry Criticism REF PN 1010 .P499

Poetry For Students REF PN1101 .P64 1998

Critical Survey of Poetry REF PN 1111 .C7 1992

Masterplots II Poetry Series REF PN 1110 .M37 2002