2000-01 1,254
2001-02 869
2002-03 1,211
2003-04 1,415
2004-05 1,007
2005-06 1,275
2006-07 1,785
2007-08 2,006
2008-09 2,147
2009-10 2,040
What is an interlibrary loan?
Items not owned by the Dalton State College, Derrell C. Roberts Library may be borrowed from other libraries in Georgia or elsewhere in the United States.
Who can request interlibrary loans?
Interlibrary Loan Service is available to all current Dalton State College faculty, staff, and students. Lower division students are limited to 6 requests in process at a time, and requested materials must be course-related. Non-Dalton State College users, including those with library issued community patron cards, should contact their local public library for interlibrary loan service.
How do I submit requests?
Interlibrary Loan Request Forms are available at the Circulation & Reference Desks in the Library, on the M: drive, and online. After you have verified that the item isn't owned by DSC’s library, fill out the form completely and accurately, including the source for the citation (the book, article, or database in which the citation appeared), the latest date that receipt of the material will be of use to you, and the maximum cost you are willing to pay for the item. You may leave the form with any library employee or send it through campus mail. Printouts of citations are welcome and can be attached to a form.
Does it cost?
Every effort is made to get materials at no charge, but sometimes it's not possible to find a lender that lends or makes photocopies for free. All charges from the lending library are passed on to the patron requesting the interlibrary loan, including fees for overdues, loss, or damage.
How long does it take?
Typically items will be obtained within ten working days of ordering—often quicker. Sometimes it takes as long as a month or more. Articles are often sent through the Internet or faxed and may arrive in a shorter time. How quickly the lending library responds, the scarcity or popularity of a item, speed of the U.S. mail, and other factors can affect waiting time.
How am I notified when the materials are received?
Students, faculty, and staff are usually notified by e-mail when materials arrive. Materials can be picked up at the Roberts Library Circulation Desk. Articles sent to the ILL Dept. via ftp or email are usually delivered to the patron via email. Articles that are sent via mail or fax can be emailed, sent through campus mail, or picked up in the Library.
How long can I keep interlibrary loans?
The loan period is determined by the lending library—not by Roberts Library staff—and is usually at least two weeks. A renewal may be requested by contacting the Interlibrary Loan Office before the material is overdue. A few lending libraries have a "no renewal" policy. The lending library reserves the right to recall interlibrary loans. Photocopies of periodical articles are yours to keep.
Where do I return interlibrary loan materials?
Materials borrowed through interlibrary loan can be returned to any library employee or through the book drop. Please don't remove book wraps from interlibrary loans or send other libraries' materials through campus mail.
What can be borrowed?
Most library materials can be borrowed through interlibrary loan, but each lending library has their own policy for loans. Many libraries will not lend videos, current and previous year imprints, popular books, dissertations, reference books, special collection items, bound or whole issues of periodicals, microforms, fragile items, etc. Also, some libraries may lend a rare item, but limit it to "In Library" use only, in which case you would need to use it within the Roberts Library.
Statement of Copyright
Materials received may be protected by copyright law (Title 17, U.S. Code).
For more information on either service , contact the ILL office at 706-272-2474 or ill@daltonstate.edu.