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Instructional Technology: Assignments

Dalton State: Instructional Technology


What is the Assignments tool?

Learners use the Assignments tool to upload and submit assignments directly in Brightspace Learning Environment, eliminating the need to mail, fax, or email their work to instructors. On paper submissions, and observed in person assignments are also available and do not require file submissions to be made in Brightspace Learning Environment.

Instructors use the Assignments tool to see users’ submission times, view submissions on the Evaluate Submission page, associate assignments to rubrics and competencies, and return submissions with grades and feedback. For assignments that included file submissions, instructors can download the submissions to their computer for review offline.

In the Submissions area for file and text submissions, instructors can view users' submissions and submission dates, eliminating the need to collect assignments and making it easy to track when files were submitted.

Instructors can create categories to group and organize assignments. They can also restrict access to assignments by date and time, group membership, or special access permissions.

Instructors can manage exemptions by launching the Manage Exemptions page from the following locations in Assignments:

  • On the Assignments page, in the context menu of an assignment
  • On the Assignments page as a button at the top of the page

Anonymous Marking: To avoid unconscious bias in the grading and feedback process, instructors can now configure assignments to use anonymous learner names. When Anonymous Marking  - Hide student names during assessment is selected, instructors will only see an anonymous learner name on the assignment submission in lieu of the student name.