Dalton State College First Aid Kit Locations
Health Occupations- Public Safety Office
Health Occupations-Nursing, downstairs
Health Occupations-Digital Design Lab
Health Occupations- Social Work
Liberal Arts-Room 277
Liberal Arts-Room 203 (Humanities Workroom)
Memorial - OCIS Office Room 103
Westcott- Business Office (Break Room)
Westcott-Enrollment Services (Break Room)
Student Center- Student Life Office
Student Center- Bookstore (Stock-Room)
Student Center- Cafeteria (Employee Area)
Student Center- Academic Resources
Sequoya- Office #153
Plant Operations- Break room
Gym- First Aid Supplies Located in First Aid Room
Library- Behind Circulation Desk
Library- Inside Staff Break room
Wood Valley- Office
James Brown Building- Kitchen and Behind Reception Desk on Main Level
Gilmer Center- Main Office, Biology Lab
Peeples Hall- hallways
Dalton State College AED Locations
Gym- Outside First Aid Room on Lower Level
Sequoya- Outside Room #153 (Lower Hallway)
Library- Beside Staff Break-room (Lower Level)
Westcott- Inside Business Office Lobby
Student Center- Outside Eddie Miller Room
Liberal Arts- Outside Room 277 (Break room 2nd Floor)
Memorial- East Hallway, (Outside Human Resources)
Health Occupations- Hallway (next to Room #209)
Brown Center- Main Entrance Lobby
Maintenance- Outside Room #153 (Woodworking Shop)
Wood Valley- Office
Peeples Hall- Second level, East end of hallway
Plant Operations- Inside receiving area
Ottinger- Second level, north side of building
Gilmer Center- Inside main offices