Dual Enrollment at Dalton State College is open to any 10th, 11th, or 12th grade student who attends a participating Georgia high school or home study program. Interested students should apply to Dalton State College. Students must have a 3.0 or higher gpa in all academic courses and must score the following minimums on the SAT or ACT exams:
SAT: New score - Math 530, Critical Reading 25
This converts to old SAT scores of 500 math and 450 Critical Reading. Students must also have a combined minimum score of 970 (Critical Reading + Math) when scores are converted
ACT: 19 English, 21 Math with composite minimum score of 20
Students must also submit a certificate of immunization and a transcript from their high school or home study program. Students will also complete the dual-enrollment application and participation agreement each semester of participation.