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GALILEO & Literature Databases

GALILEO is a collection of about 300 databases. It is possible to do a search of many databases at once, or you can search individual databases. When searching a database, you can bring up multiple search boxes by selecting "Advanced Search."


Other Relevant Databases

GALILEO Literature Search

This is an example of an Advanced Search using GALILEO, after playing with ideas and search terms.

1.  Notice each box has a separate concept. If I am searching for themes about women in Chopin's work, I can add women in a second box. If I am okay with an article that uses the word female instead of women, I can add that word, using OR between the two words. I could also add OR girls OR gender, and so on. 

2.  If I want to add another concept, I use another box. I could add the title of the work I am studying here, or choose another concept. You may be looking at themes that the author has used repeatedly in their work.  Chopin looked at the place of women in society. Soci* is a shortcut to look for the words social, or society--or anything beginning with s-o-c-i.

3.  Checking the disciplines "Literature & Writing" and "Sociology," down below, is not necessary, but may help focus your search. Choosing disciplines limits the GALILEO databases searched, leaving out articles found in business or nursing databases, for example.

Advanced Search

This search may give you some ideas for your own search in this database, in GALILEO or another database. The Arts & Humanities Database includes the performing arts, and some articles in it may not show up in a GALILEO search.

FIND IT: Find the Full Text of an Article

In your list of database search results, some citations will not include the full text of the article.

When that happens, in most Dalton State databases you will see a tool called Find It icon to help you access the full text of articles.

The Find It icon button will link you to the articles if they are available in other DSC library databases.

If that doesn't help, look to see if there is an icon indicating. This is an icon meaning the article can be found free, on the web.

LIBRARY CATALOG to find books and more

logos for gilFind and Dalton State

Library Catalog

The gil-FIND catalog at Dalton State searches for books, (print and e-books), government documents, videos and video clips (from Films-on-Demand) and more. There are over 470,000 e-books and over 40,000 streaming videos available online. For tips to use, go to the video.

University System of Georgia Catalog and GIL Express

Using the above Library Cataloggil-FIND link, change the default to University System of Georgia libraries and log in, using your Dalton State credentials (Sign in at upper right). Current DSC students, faculty, and staff may request and borrow materials not owned by the library through a service called GIL Express

Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

If you need a book not available in the GIL-Find or GIL Universal Catalogs (or an article not in our databases), current DSC students, faculty, and staff may request materials through Interlibrary Loan. This service can take 3-10 days, so plan ahead!

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English Literature Research in GALILEO

English Literature Research in the Library Catalog

Literature Research in One GALILEO Database, Literature Online (Premium)

English Literature Research in the Library