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Roberts Library Databases

Build a Database Search in GALILEO

Advanced Search for best results!  Like this:

Searching: Academic Search Complete

Box 1  You may want to begin by searching a broad topic.

Then browse results to find one or more relevant articles that interest you. What terms does the database use to describe these articles in their subjects or abstracts? What are related words? You may want to modify your search as you find better or different terms.

AND Box 2   Focus your search using a second box with additional keywords. You may string similar words together in the box using OR between the words. Also, refine using limiters in the left-side menu – date, scholarly/peer-reviewed journals, subject and others.

AND Box 3  You may want to narrow further. One way to search multiple terms at  once is by using the *. Psychol* will find articles including words that begin with psychol, like psychology and psychological, etc.

Find It

In your list of database search results, some citations will not include the full text of the article.

When that happens, in most Dalton State databases you will see a tool called Find It icon to help you access the full text of articles.

The Find It icon button will link you to the articles if they are available in other DSC library databases.

If that doesn't help, look to see if there is an icon indicating. This is an icon meaning the article can be found free, on the web.

APA Citing Sources details

For further details, ask at the Library for copies of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.

How to request an Interlibrary Loan

1. Check that the material isn't in Roberts Library

Please check Roberts Library's GIL catalog for books & GALILEO holdings for journals before requesting. No waiting if it's here!

GIL Library catalog | Full-text journals in GALILEO  by journal title

2. Send the Interlibrary Loan request to the Interlibrary loan office. Click here for request options which include email, paper, webform, or visiting the ILL office.

  • Be sure to include your name and contact information!

3. Wait for the material to arrive. 

  • Allow plenty of time before an assignment is due. FAQs

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